A Couple’s Paradise: 7 Incredibly Romantic Things to Do in Manuel Antonio

A couple enjoying activities in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

You’ve been looking forward to your exotic vacation all year. Every time you had a tough day at work, you pictured yourself on the beach. Every time your neighbors annoyed you, you envisioned yourself getting on that plane and soaring away.

For too many people, though, the vacation finally arrives and they realize how little they’ve actually planned. You’re at your destination, but what do you do now?

Whether you’re on a getaway with your significant other or you two want to take time for yourselves during a family trip, you’re in luck. Manuel Antonio is full of opportunities for romance if you know where to look. Start with these romantic things to do in Manuel Antonio.


Romantic Things to Do in Manuel Antonio


Manuel Antonio is one of the most popular vacation spots in Costa Rica. That means the hospitality industry has developed plenty of ways for visitors to have fun, and that includes romance. Check out these options for your date night. 


1. A Walk On the Beach


Sure, “walks on the beach” have become a romantic cliche. Still, if you’ve never tried it, now is the time.

You’re surrounded by the relaxing motion of the waves and the soft sand on your feet. All that adds up to a soothing atmosphere for some quiet bonding and great conversation.

To step up the romance even more, make it a sunset stroll. Or you can make it part of a relaxing day of lounging on the beach.

Sometimes the challenge is finding the right beach, though. While Playa Espadilla is a tourist favorite overall, that makes it a crowded destination. If you want a quieter site, head to Playa Espadilla Sur, or Espadilla South Beach in English.

Another great choice is Puerto Escondido. Keep in mind that the tide covers most of the beach, though, so plan to go at low tide. 


2. Snorkeling


We know your first thought: it doesn’t seem sexy to have your face covered by a snorkel. You’d be surprised how much romance you can stir up during a snorkeling adventure, though.

When you go snorkeling, you’re both getting an inside peek into a part of the world you’ve probably never seen before. The beauty of the water and wildlife along with sharing a new experience together can help you feel closer to each other.

If you’re looking for a place to snorkel, Playa Manuel Antonio is a top choice. It offers plenty of tide pools which make for great snorkeling. This beach gets crowded, though, so plan to arrive around 9:00 or 9:30 in the morning.


3. Take a Sunset Cruise


It’s hard to beat a Costa Rican sunset when you want a romantic setting. What better way to capitalize on it than with a sunset cruise?

catamaran cruise is easy, relaxing, and a romantic opportunity to hold your beloved close against the breeze at sea. If you’re a fan of wildlife, these cruises are also a perfect time to spot dolphins, whales, and other marine beauties. 

A word to the wise, though: take motion sickness precautions. Nothing ruins a romantic evening like seasickness, so bring medication just in case.


4. Surfing Lessons


One of the most romantic things you can do is to share a new experience together. It lets you create memories as a couple that you’ll cherish forever and that are yours alone.

When you’re surrounded by beaches like you are in Manuel Antonio, take advantage and learn how to surf. If you’re both complete novices, you can guarantee a few laughs as you try to learn the motions and keep your balance.

As an added bonus, after your lessons, you’ll have a new activity you can enjoy together. It’s a romantic day that paves the way for more shared experiences on your future vacations too.


5. Horseback Riding


Manuel Antonio National Park is one of the most beautiful destinations in all of Costa Rica. You’re surrounded by natural beauty at every turn, so what better way to enjoy it than with a romantic horseback ride?

Knowledgeable guides can lead you and your significant other on scenic paths through the rainforest. Together, you can learn about the ecosystem and feel the connection to the nature around you.


6. Simmer in the Hot Springs


Hot tubs have an undeniable element of romance as a quiet place where you can relax and unwind together. Why not try nature’s hot tub?

We’re talking about the Manuel Antonio Hot Springs. While they aren’t inside the natural park, they’re a short drive away. The hot springs are located in an area off the beaten path where you and your beloved can enjoy some quiet time together.

Keep in mind, however, that the hot springs can be difficult to find on your own. It’s best to book a tour guide who knows the area. There’s nothing romantic about getting lost in the wilderness.


7. Hike to a Waterfall


There’s something about enjoying the beauty of nature that makes you feel closer to the person next to you. There are plenty of ways to do that in Manuel Antonio, and finding a beautiful waterfall is among them.

It’s no surprise that the hilly rainforests in the area create some gorgeous waterfalls. The falls are even more beautiful when you have to put in some effort to hike there.

In particular, Nuayaca Waterfalls are a long-time favorite. The hike is just under four miles, making it a romantic and healthy way to spend a day of your vacation.


Sparking Romance in Costa Rica


There’s a reason Manuel Antonio is a favorite destination for vacationers of all ages.

Not only is there plenty of fun for kids and singles, but it’s a romantic hotspot for people from all over the world. The ideas above are a small sampling of the many romantic things to do in Manuel Antonio.

While the ideas above are a great start, a truly romantic getaway needs romantic accommodations too. To book your trip and start planning your time in paradise, contact our Manuel Antonio resort.